You deserve to recover.
Recovery coaching can help.

What is Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching?


We target eating disorder behaviors.


Coaching addresses eating disorder behaviors and the “how” of recovery. We will focus on setting goals and accomplishing day-to-day behavior changes. Goals can feel so manageable during sessions, but when it comes to actually implementing them, it can feel really hard! Together, we will work on understanding disordered behaviors and how to change them in the moment.


I’ll support you when and where you need it.


I’m available for chat support outside of our sessions when things feel hard. I’ll be there to help you achieve your weekly goals. As a part of coaching, we can also challenge fear foods together, either in person or virtually.


You’ll work with someone who’s recovered.


As someone who has recovered from an eating disorder, I understand how hard recovery is. It’s natural to be ambivalent or for motivation to wax and wane. I’ll be there to share how I kept moving forward with recovery, even when I felt stuck and defeated.


It complements traditional treatment.


Recovery coaching complements the traditional treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating. As a coach, I work alongside you and your treatment team. Coaching is different from therapy and does not take the place of treatment, so it is important that you continue to work with your therapist and/or dietitian when working with a coach.

My Role as a Coach

Eating Disorder Support for College Students

Are you in college and struggling with an eating disorder?

Or perhaps you’re a parent sending a child with an eating disorder off to school?


Everyone always says your time in college will be the best years of your life… but what if you’re struggling with an eating disorder? I know what that’s like. College truly can be amazing, but it can also be incredibly challenging if you’re balancing eating disorder recovery too.

  • The dining hall might have foods you’ve never had before and suddenly you find yourself missing your mom’s homemade cooking (something you might have taken for granted up until now).

  • Maybe you’re in a new town or state and, for the first time, you’re away from the comfort of your family and support system.

  • This might be the first time you are solely responsible for nourishing yourself. Need groceries? Not sure how to cook? Feeling stuck when the dining halls are closed but you haven’t had dinner yet?

  • Does it feel like every time you turn around, you’re confronted with triggers and diet culture and you’re not sure how to handle it?

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed with the thought of trying to balance everything? School, friends, recovery, SLEEP. It can be hard to prioritize food when you’re inundated with more readings, papers, and tests than ever before.

Recovering from an eating disorder can feel like a full time job - a very exhausting and demanding job. On top of an already busy college life, it can be hard to keep up. Unfortunately, it’s easy to let recovery fall to the back burner as a college student.

Recovery takes time, patience, and consistency.

I know what it’s like to be a college student struggling with an eating disorder, AND I know recovered is possible. I missed out on so much in college because I was fully consumed with my eating disorder. I know I can never get that time back.

What I know now is that I had a purpose far beyond my eating disorder, and you do too. Let’s work together to implement your goals and build a life you’re proud to recover to.

As a Certified Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, I want to help.


I can work alongside you and your treatment team to help you implement your recovery goals while you’re away at school.

Whether you’re a freshman transitioning to college for the first time, or an upperclassman getting ready to graduate, I can provide individualized support so that you can get your life back and finally be free from your eating disorder.

 What you’ll get

  • No two eating disorders are alike, so why would a one-size fits all approach work when it comes to getting better? I’ll work with you and your team to provide the support you need, when you need it.

  • In recovery, sometimes we know exactly what we need to do. But the hard part is actually doing it. I’ll be there to hold you accountable for your goals throughout the week.

  • I require clients are working with either a therapist or dietitian, but ideally both, before adding a coach to the team. I’ll serve as an adjunct to your team, helping you implement your treatment goals.


 How I can help

  • If you’re ready to work on meal & snack challenges, I can help. I’ll eat with you (virtually or in-person) to help you challenge your eating disorder thoughts in real time.

    Need help figuring out what to get at the dining hall, cafe, or out at a restaurant? I’ll work with your dietitian to help you choose foods that comply with your meal plan.

  • Need help with the day-to-day of recovery like grocery and clothes shopping? I know how challenging these tasks can be while in recovery. They can be a big barrier to getting better. Whether you’re in person or virtual, I can help you plan and follow-through with theses shopping trips.

  • Whether it’s a quick message to check in between classes, or providing extra support when your urges are high, I’ll be there as extra support when you need it.

 Let’s work together! Because you can heal and make peace with food and your body.


You deserve to start
healing today.